Organics Recycling: What It Is and Why It Matters

an advertisement for organics recycling shows a recycling symbol surrounded by fruits and vegetables

On October 10th NARA issued a press release announcing a broad-reaching information campaign with the goal of educating on Organics Recycling and how including renderable material plays a critical role in sustainability. The campaign includes a colorful and detailed infographic titled Organics Recycling: How Recycling Food Waste with Rendering Creates Value & Ensures Sustainability, which was designed be used as an educational tool for the public, and those in the government sector who may not be

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A Message From NARA’s President, Kent Swisher

a man in a suit with a nara button on his jacket smiling for the camera

NARA has debuted an informative new video issuing a message from NARA’s President, Kent Swisher, who took the helm as President and CEO of the association in January of 2022. The video informs members and the public of current events and updates, exciting new announcements, details of NARA’s vision and mission, and a three point plan for the future of NARA under Swisher’s leadership. It also serves as informative and helpful communication for current members, the community,

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2022 Don Franco Distinguished Service Award Winner

Dr. David Meeker Receives the 2022 Don Franco Distinguished Service Award

NARA  is pleased to announce the 2022 “Don Franco Distinguished Service Award” has been presented to Dr. David Meeker for his leadership and longtime commitment to the rendering industry, NARA, and to the association’s research and related programs. The Don Franco Distinguished Service Award is NARA’s highest honor. It recognizes truly outstanding work on behalf of the rendering industry in science, policy, marketing, or communications and is presented to a member, staff, or friend of

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NARA President Testifies on Rendering Sustainability Benefits at House Select Committee on the Climate Crisis

U.S. Capitol Building

On July 15th, President, and CEO of the North American Renderers Association (NARA), Kent Swisher, testified before the U.S. House of Representatives Select Committee on the Climate Crisis on the sustainability benefits of rendering. Swisher was one of four witnesses testifying and the sole representative of the agriculture sector. He was joined by Dana Gunders, Executive Director, ReFED, Dr. Melinda Cep, Vice President for Natural Solutions and Working Lands, National Audubon Society, and Elly Brown,

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Rendering’s Sustainability Story Gets a Boost: Feature Article Published in 3 International Agriculture and Animal Nutrition Magazines

International Petfood Magazine June 2022

Rendering education continues to be a top priority at NARA. The more awareness there is about what rendering is and what we do, the more renderers and NARA members can showcase rendering’s important contributions to reduced food waste and sustainability as a whole. Agricultural rendering is an industry that has largely “flown under the radar” for many years, but we are now proudly sharing our sustainability story. Rendering is by definition sustainable as we are

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Podcast: Biofuels & Renewable Diesel

Diesel Made from Biomass

In the 3rd episode of NARA’s quarterly podcast, The Invisible Industry, host Marcus Wintzer welcomes guest, Michael Rath, of Darling Ingredients, and episode co-host, Michael Karman, of Sanimax, to discuss biofuels & renewable diesel and rendering’s important role in these industries. We take a deep dive into the science behind these fuels, their benefits, why and how government involvement plays a role, and answer questions like “what exactly are biofuels” and “what is the difference

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We Have a New Podcast: The Invisible Industry

a logo for the invisible industry brought to you by the north american renderers association

NARA is excited to announce that we recently launched a new rendering podcast, The Invisible Industry: Everything You Didn’t Know (You Didn’t Know) About Rendering. Our panel style podcast airs quarterly episodes that discuss and educate on agricultural rendering, the rendering industry, and the sustainability benefits of rendering. Each episode features a new co-host from the rendering or related industry and unique guests who discuss a wide range of topics of interest to those in

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Meet NARA’s New Incoming President and CEO: Kent Swisher

a man with a beard and a striped shirt is smiling in front of a tree

On September 1st NARA announced that Kent Swisher has been named the incoming president & CEO of the North American Renderers Association (NARA). He will also serve as president of the Fats and Proteins Research Foundation (FPRF), the rendering industry’s research organization. Kent will assume leadership upon the retirement of NARA’s current president and CEO, Nancy Foster, on December 31, 2021.   Kent has worked for the North American Renderers Association for over 18 years

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Man working on his laptop

Are you interested in learning more about rendering and how it’s connected to sustainability, reduced food waste and biofuels?   Are you in the rendering industry and looking for news and information about the industry, or want to learn more about the North American Renderers Association?   Recently our website got a big makeover, and in today’s blog we want to give you a tour of and go over some pages you may find

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Thankful for Rendering’s Sustainable Contributions (All Around Us)


For those who celebrate the holiday season this year, it’s bound to be different.  Whether you enjoy Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Christmas, and even the Winter Solstice, it’s traditionally a time to gather with family and friends.  COVID-19 has transformed celebrations for many of us by affecting who we spend time with and what we can do. This year has been challenging for all of us in some way or another, to be sure. Perhaps you

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The North American Renderers Association (NARA) is an Equal Opportunity Employer. It does not discriminate in the terms and conditions of employment on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, or any other factor prohibited by law.

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