NARA Membership
The North American Renderers Association (NARA) is the trade association representing the U.S. and Canadian rendering industry.
NARA members are independent renderers and integrated packer/renderers who process their own animal by-products. Other members provide equipment and services to our rendering members, and broker or buy processed rendered products. International members are also welcome.
Why Join?
NARA actively addresses the needs of our members by promoting and defending the best interests of the rendering industry. NARA takes a leadership role in key areas such as biosecurity and food safety, trade policy, international market development, sustainability, and community relations.
NARA members, staff, and government affairs committee members meet regularly with key government officials and members of Congress and their staff to advocate for rendering industry positions and policies. We work with the Food and Drug Administration, American Association of Feed Control Officials, World Organization for Animal Health (OIE), and other official bodies to accurately represent rendering and rendered products in regulatory and legislative matters.
Membership in the NARA organization provides an opportunity to attend national and regional association meetings, stay on top of changing industry technology and trends, and network with other renderers, and rendering related businesses. Members also make decisions that guide the future of rendering.
All members are listed yearly in the NARA Member Directory.
Fill out the form below or email or 703.683.0155 to learn more or receive a membership application.
Membership Contact Form

Types of Membership
Active Membership is open to individuals or companies operating in the U.S. or Canada that process used cooking oil (UCO) and/or fat-bearing animal by-product raw material into finished rendered products such as tallow, lard, grease, meat and bone meal, poultry meal, feather meal, blood meal, and many other products. Membership dues are based on rendering capacity. Acceptance into membership is approved by the NRA Board of Directors.
Associate Membership is available for business partners of U.S. and Canadian renderers who provide goods and/or services to the rendering industry and share a common interest with them. This includes, for example, equipment manufacturers, transportation providers, and testing labs.
Allied Membership is for business partners of U.S. and Canadian renderers who buy or broker finished rendered products, including traders and pet food and livestock feed producers
Biofuel Allied Membership is for any individual, firm, partnership, corporation or unincorporated association, who is otherwise ineligible for active membership, but who is a biofuel manufacturer who manufacturers or produces biofuel using animal or vegetable oil as a feed stock. Biofuel Manufacturer Allied Members must be affiliated with one or more of the regional area organizations
View all NARA Membership Options Here
NARA is divided geographically into three areas in North America: Eastern, Central, and Pacific Coast. U.S. and Canadian members join through the regional area in which their plant or firm headquarters is located.
International memberships are also available for individuals and companies operating outside the U.S. and Canada.
Member Spotlight
NARA President and CEO, Kent Swisher, joined staff members Charles Starkey, VP of Scientific and Regulatory Services, and Dana Downing, Senior Vice President of International Programs, on a trip to visit NARA member, FPL Food LLC. The purpose of their visit was twofold: to acquaint themselves with the operations of the company and to explore its facilities.
Upon arrival, they were greeted by David Gregerson, Vice President of Operations at FPL Food LLC, who gave them the full tour. Headquartered in Augusta, GA, FPL Food LLC boasts a state-of-the-art further processing plant located in Thomasville, complemented by a network of multiple farms across the state.
One of the key highlights of FPL Food LLC’s operations is its robust supply chain. Specializing in beef, the company caters to a diverse clientele spanning retail, foodservice, and food manufacturing sectors not only nationwide but also globally.
From farm to table, FPL Food LLC exemplifies excellence and innovation in the industry! Thank you for the tour!
Photo L to R: Kent Swisher, Charles Starkey, David Gregerson; Photo credit: NARA