Promoting the Rendering Industry’s Sustainability Through National Policy
Government decisions affect the future of the rendering industry. NARA is actively engaged to represent the interest of our members to legislative, regulatory and other government agencies on issues that impact them.
NARA members, staff and government affairs experts meet regularly with key government officials, Members of Congress and their staff to advocate for positions and policies that enhance opportunities for renderers and promote the industry’s sustainability.
Environmental & Policy Impact
Click below to view NARA’s regulatory comments, testimony and recommendations on environmental and policy issues.
- Food & Fuel Comments by NARA President, Kent Swisher
- 2023 Joint Senate Letter for Feed Ingredient Approvals; signed by NARA NGFA PFI and AFIA
- NARA President Kent Swisher’s testimony for the Select Committee on the Climate Crisis hearing entitled Climate Smart from Farm to Fork: Building an Affordable and Resilient Food Supply Chain. Click here to view video of the testimony on C-Span.
- NARA Urges Congress to Move Forward With SHIP IT Act – read the Press Release