New Rendering Video: An Educational Tool for All Ages

Imagine an innovative, animated video that captures the complexities of rendering—a vital yet often misunderstood process in agriculture—and makes it accessible and exciting for learners of all ages. The National Animal Rendering Association (NARA) has done just that with their new explainer video, Rendering: Every Part Has a Purpose. This engaging cartoon is more than just entertainment; it’s an educational powerhouse designed to introduce rendering to audiences as young as 4-H participants and as advanced

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NARA “Hits the Streets” to Talk About Rendering

a man is being interviewed by a woman wearing a nara jacket

In NARA’s newest video, Vice President of Communications, Anna Wilkinson, takes to the “streets” to talk to people about rendering, and ask them what they think the word “rendering” means and you may be surprised by some of the answers! Be sure to share this video so we can continue to educate on the importance of rendering and its many sustainability benefits!   Watch the video on YouTube or on the NARA website.   For

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The Importance of Rendering Education

an Infographic that says "rendering the facts" on it

From the perspective of NARA’s newest staff member, Communications Director Anna Wilkinson   When I started work at NARA nearly two years ago, I was struck by the scant amount of information publicly available about rendering when I searched for it. Yes, our association had an informative website with educational resourcces on rendering specifically, but a general, online search of “rendering” yielded every definition except the one that explains what we do. Top results were

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Welcome to the NARA Blog!

a puppy wearing a yellow shirt

Welcome to the North American Renderers Association (NARA) blog!   Positive changes are happening here at NARA. In addition to a new name (National Renderers Association (NRA) was changed to NARA in 2019), increased sustainability focus, rendering education and awareness, and a brand-new website, we are also launching our official blog! In these posts we will educate about Rendering: what it is, how it works, and why it is so integral to sustainability, reduced food

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The North American Renderers Association (NARA) is an Equal Opportunity Employer. It does not discriminate in the terms and conditions of employment on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, or any other factor prohibited by law.

As a participant in USDA programs, we share the commitment to comply with all federal, state and local civil rights laws and those of the USDA. More about this commitment is available on the USDA website page here.