APPI Programs for Safe Pet Food and Animal Feed
Salmonella Education Reduction Program
Members of Animal Protein Producers Industry (APPI) participate in a coordinated program for process control verification testing that will ultimately assist in the control of pathogens and other organisms in rendered animal proteins.
Over 95% of animal proteins produced in North America are manufactured at facilities that participate in APPI’s Salmonella Education Reduction Program.
To join in this effort, click below.
Clostridium Perfringens Testing
APPI’s Board of Directors passed a recommendation of the 21st Century Committee to initiate a voluntary program of Clostridium perfringens testing. This is a sensible progression that permits companies to assess the prevalence of the two major indicator organisms at their facilities.
Clostridium perfringens was chosen due to it requiring time/temperature conditions to be eliminated. This program will evaluate in-house process controls.
Please contact APPI if you are interested in receiving sampling/labeling instructions.