Biosecurity and APPI
Biosecurity for the rendering industry is a critical concern for farming and livestock management today. These safety measures focus on managing healthy livestock and protecting ranch and farm animals from pathogens, which is vital to day-to-day production. As renderers play a significant role in livestock food production, rendering product testing and food safety requirements also assist with engaging consumers and ensuring high-quality product standards.
To help build rendering safety and security for organizations, the Animal Protein Producers Industry (APPI) offers certification and other services to support premium animal feed production. APPI’s education programs are designed for renderers so they know what’s required by regulations and the best practices available.

Producing Safe Rendered Ingredients
Biosecurity refers to the measures in place aiming to maximize food safety and prevent the introduction or increase of organisms harmful to plant and animal life. Rendered product testing and development standards for safety are crucial to ensuring high-quality products that protect animals from the spread of disease through food.
By incorporating a set of best practices into a sustainable, strategic approach to production, biosecurity for rendering product testing can help further the industry’s positive environmental impact. At the same time, it also increases consumer confidence in your products and helps them trust rendering safety and security.
Many consumers want to understand the rendering process and feel confident that the final product is safe for farm and ranch animals. With the right strategy and respected certification, renderers can help promote trust and visibility across meat co-products (also referred to as by-products) processing.
Why Biosecurity Matters
Improving biosecurity across food production and farming sectors offers several vital benefits for these markets and the communities they serve:
- Increased consumer confidence: Using best practices and maintaining high biosecurity standards helps build trust between suppliers and consumers.
- Better environmental protection: By protecting the quality of rendered products, industry members can help further their positive impact on the environment.
- Lowered strain on the food supply: Helping maintain the health of livestock and efficiently repurpose essential resources reduces the pressure of demand on the food supply.
How APPI Supports Biosecurity for Rendering Facilities
The Animal Protein Producers Industry (APPI) program helps renderers earn customer confidence in their products. This program also assists with supporting biosecurity by implementing and standardizing best practices for safe rendered ingredients and product testing.
APPI is responsible for product testing, the Salmonella education program in North America, and the Rendering Code of Practice (COP). These services promote safer food production for livestock feed and equip rendering industry members to fully comply with regulations such as the FDA’s Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA). APPI’s objectives are uniquely focused to assist members in the manufacture of safe rendered ingredients.
APPI’s help deliver quality rendered products to markets and empower industry members in these key ways:
- Improve the microbiological and chemical quality of feed fat and animal proteins
- Develop and disseminate educational materials
- Conduct seminars on controlling biological, chemical, and physical hazards
- Fund research to discover solutions to safety and quality issues
As market needs change, APPI’s innovative programs evolve to promote the safety of animal proteins and feed fats through testing, continuing education and training, and collaborative research.
Who Should Join APPI?
Any rendering plant in the United States and Canada is eligible for membership that is engaged in processing of animal and poultry by-products, fats, and oils into finished protein and energy used to produce animal food ingredients. For any production plant that is part of the rendering industry, APPI can provide trusted credentials to build trust with consumers.
Sign up to join by emailing Dara John, who will walk you through the steps to submit the annual $800 membership fee and $200 for a test kit.
Submit 1 sample per week (52 per year) to the APPI contract laboratory (only you get your results).
Purchase and use the APPI training video and poster kit to educate plant employees on pathogen control, prevention of cross-contamination, and other safety measures ($550).
Contact Dara John at 660-277-3469 or email with any questions.
Work With NARA for Trusted Resources
Whether you’re seeking APPI certification or looking for other ways to improve rendering processes and build consumer confidence, the North American Renderers Association (NARA) can help. NARA delivers leading resources that can optimize your development processes and help ensure final product quality and safety. With educational materials, an industry-leading magazine, political advocacy, and other services, NARA helps support the rendering industry and your company’s development.
Learn more about becoming a NARA member and taking advantage of the resources we have to offer today.