Celebrating International Reducing CO2 Emissions Day with NARA

The sun setting behind line of trees, over a crop field.


Celebrating International Reducing CO2 Emissions Day


Each year on January 28th, we celebrate International Reducing CO2 Emissions Day — a day dedicated to raising awareness and inspiring innovation to minimize our role in climate change.

What exactly are CO2 emissions, and what impact do they have on the environment?

Carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions are a heat-trapping gas released primarily from the burning of fossil fuels. From the vehicles we drive to various large-scale industrial operations, CO2 emissions are widespread — and they’re the largest contributor to our overall greenhouse gas emissions.

As CO2 emissions are released into our atmosphere, the sun’s heat becomes trapped under a “blanket” of gases, preventing the Earth from cooling off. While CO2 is imperative to maintaining habitable conditions on our planet, too many emissions tip its natural balance out of order.


Rendering Reduces Greenhouse Gasses

Did you know that the rendering process eliminates at least five times as many greenhouse gas emissions as it produces?

Through the process of rendering, CO2 emissions, in addition to other greenhouse gasses including methane, are significantly reduced in comparison to other waste disposal methods. In fact, choosing to render animal by-products rather than opting for composting or landfilling has the same effect on our greenhouse gas emissions as removing 12,263,316 cars from our roads.

Not only that, but rendering contributes to the production of biodiesel, which produces 80% less emissions than petroleum-based diesel.


Minimize Your Carbon Footprint, One Step at a Time

At NARA, we proudly celebrate Reducing CO2 Emissions Day by recognizing the vital role that renderers play in the reduction of our carbon footprint. That said, it’s also an exciting opportunity to explore the numerous ways that each of us can work to make small yet impactful changes in our daily routines to support a sustainable future.

Check out our list of a few simple ways that you can celebrate, as well:

  • Education

By educating both yourself and others on what CO2 emissions are, why they matter, and how they impact our environment, you can take an important first step toward positive change. (Reading this blog is a great start!)

  • Advocacy

Whether through social media or simply talking with friends and family, spreading awareness about climate change and the impact that this holiday seeks to make is key in igniting passion in others to contribute toward a reduction in CO2 emissions.

  • Application

Through integrating simple changes in our daily lives, from walking or biking where possible to upgrading home appliances to more energy-efficient alternatives, there are countless ways each of us can work to reduce our own carbon footprints.


And, be sure to catch us at Booth #A219 at the International Production & Processing Expo (IPPE) to learn more about rendering’s role in promoting environmental sustainability, opening January 28th on International Reducing CO2 Emissions Day!

The North American Renderers Association (NARA) is an Equal Opportunity Employer. It does not discriminate in the terms and conditions of employment on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, or any other factor prohibited by law.

As a participant in USDA programs, we share the commitment to comply with all federal, state and local civil rights laws and those of the USDA. More about this commitment is available on the USDA website page here.