The First National Rendering Day

Friday, April 21st was the inaugural National Rendering Day.


NARA issued a press release that included the official National Day Calendar issued proclamation announcing National Rendering Day to media and the public.

One of NARA’s goals is educating the public and our communities on the highly sustainable nature of rendering. By observing National Rendering Day every April 21st, we hope to bring to awareness to rendering’s many environmental benefits and how rendering plays a really critical in role reducing and eliminating food waste; but National Rendering Day is not only about educating on rendering’s environmental benefits – it is also about recognizing renderers and the important work they do.

The date of April 21st was specifically chosen to fall the day before Earth Day (April 22nd) in order to represent the sustainable nature of the rendering industry and its direct impact on reduced food waste, and environmental support. After all, you cannot have a successful Earth day without the tremendous environmental benefits that the rendering industry provides

Rendering is the “original recycling”, it is a circular process and an important part of the reduced food waste and sustainability conversations. By celebrating National Rendering Day, we can help educate on why that is and highlight that fact by celebrating this important day with our members, the larger ag community, and the public.

NARA members were active and instrumental in the promotion of this important day, helping to spread the word by issuing their own press releases and also celebrating with their own organizations and staff. Some members planted trees in honor of the day, while others hosted parties and banquets for their teams.

National Rendering Day was the topic of a recent Feedstuffs podcast, Feedstuffs in Focus, as well as a segment on AgriTalk radio. In the interviews, NARA President and CEO, Kent Swisher, and Vice President of Communications, Anna Wilkinson, discussed the importance of National Rendering Day and why it is so vital to Nationally recognize rendering and the work that renderers do.

Published articles about National Rendering Day include coverage from The National ProvisionerBeef MagazinePork Business , and a post on The California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) blog, Planting Seeds.

Another important initiative of National Rendering Day was to have it publicly recognized on the Congressional record. NARA members and staff reached out asking Senators and Members of their respective congressional delegations to submit a floor statement in the Congressional Record, recognizing National Rendering Day, and asking them to highlight National Rendering Day on their social media accounts as well.

Notably, Senator John Boozman made a statement on the congressional record in recognition of National Rendering Day. In his statement he noted “I rise today in recognition of National Rendering Day. As ranking member of the Senate Agriculture Committee and a voice for Arkansas farmers and ranchers, I have seen firsthand their dedication to producing the most affordable, abundant, and safe supply of food in the world.


NARA wants to thank our members, and  the many friends of the rendering industry who helped to promote and recognize this important day. We look forward to celebrating National Rendering Day with you every  you each and every April 21st.

For more information about National Rendering Day please contact NARA’s Vice President of Communications, Anna Wilkinson.

The North American Renderers Association (NARA) is an Equal Opportunity Employer. It does not discriminate in the terms and conditions of employment on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, or any other factor prohibited by law.

As a participant in USDA programs, we share the commitment to comply with all federal, state and local civil rights laws and those of the USDA. More about this commitment is available on the USDA website page here.